Friday 23 March 2007

Somewhat Confused

I'm somewhat confused. You see, I was under the distinct impression that I was a hard-working, dedicated and motivated student. I worked because I knew that the rewards at the end of the tunnel would be worth it. But now, the rewards are sweeter than ever before and yet I can't bring myself to lift a finger.

I have two assignments due this coming Monday (26th March) and another two due on the Monday after that (2nd April). I haven't even started the RESEARCH on any of them. And listen to what I have hanging on the results: studying in Europe for a semester early next year, and a 6 week university-sponsored trip around the world to go and meet with marketing executives from the biggest companies on our planet. Don't believe me? Here is a preview of some of the companies they take us to: Nike, L'Oreal, Coca Cola, Louis Vuitton, Manchester United Football Club, Sony Corporation and Mercedes Benz. That is about a quarter of the companies they take us to... but you get the idea. It's a HUGE deal. But I can't bring myself to lift a finger.

I could have finished every single one of them by now. Without a doubt. They are challenging, but not impossible. I have an almost annoying amount of spare time on my hands which I am throwing out the window. I wish that somebody would just come up to me and start slapping me... hard. I have been given such a chance. To go on that 6 week trip and to study in Europe will look absolutely incredible on my resume, not to mention the personal satisfaction, experience and memories that I would suck up like a sponge given the opportunity. But I can't bring myself to lift a finger.

I'm somewhat confused.

Help... anyone?


saskia said...

i dont think anyone has really found a solution to it yet Mish, hence the No-show on your comments box.
I sure as hellfire know I havent, and I struggle with it daily, hourly.

Some say, just/simply do it, and there are few things i dislike hearing more.. if it were that easy for all, would some of us struggle so? what people advise me is to agree with yourself to take solid steps, define which/how many conrete bits you will do in a day. And then don't just agree with yourself, but call someone and let them know that this is what you will be working on that day. Also agree to call them back at the end of the day and let them know what you have done. The added pressure of letting someone else know whether you have done what you have agreed with yourself to do, or having to *again* admit to having distracted yourself needlessly and unproductively, usually helps us to get and stay focused.
Not me obviously, cause here I am on your blog, instead of completing that first thing i had agreed i would do today..
But then some of us are more hopeless than others.. You are young, and you have lots to gain from this one - be realistic in what you can/should do, and how you will go about it. Then bring in people you trust and respect to help you keep yourself in check. No shame in that at all.
How far are you now?
Good luck! I'm off to do my number 1 thing again, two & a half more before i have to 'fess up.. ;)

saskia said...

and.. as if on cue (although it could've come a little earlier..) this flies into my inbox this morning:

there's help from many corners of the eart and many generations!
love xs