Thursday 8 March 2007

Lego... G-d's Creation

Just felt like writing. No special reason. No special topic. No special ideas as such, yet. My fingers just longed to touch the keyboard and do something productive. I am currently lying down in my bed. It's 5.41 pm. Robin Williams stand-up is playing in the background... genius. He is currently calling g-d a stoner. Brave man, he could regret that in 30-40 years. Unless the Almighty has a sense of humor.

My eyes are slowly wandering around the room, looking for something to spark my fingers back into action.

Empty vodka bottles.
Television... blessed, blessed television.
Lava lamp.
German flag (I can't explain it to myself, so you have NO chance).
Stolen road sign. It says "Keep Left". Good advice if you're driving in the wrong lane.
Beer poster. No explanation required there.
A small fort made of Lego - now THERE'S a story.

Let me start by saying that Lego is one of the world's greatest inventions. I also recently discovered that it is for ages 4 - 40, as opposed to 4-8 which is what it says on the box. Me and one of my friends were bored and found a big, dusty cardboard box on the highest shelf in my room. Partially hidden out of view, it called to us. As we opened it, the excitement generated by what we saw was so intense that if an adult was in the room, he would think that I was just an over-sized preschooler.

Yes, we were bored beforehand to the point that we actually were excited by the prospect of Lego. But once we started building, there was nowhere else that I'd rather be (but exceptions might include relaxing with P. Diddy on his yacht in Monte Carlo, having dinner with Heidi Klum, or discussing the true meaning of life with Monty Python). But back to Lego... So while we were mucking around, it turned out that Lego was a good conversation starter. Whilst fidgeting and laughing we hear the door knock. 3 more of my friends just turned up... and decided to join us. So Lego is now a good conversation starter AND a fantastic bonding item. Is there anything it can't do?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANYWAY, the moral of the story is that maybe being childish once in a while can be good for the mind and the heart. We told old jokes, laughed at each other's crappy creations and became that much closer to each other.

And on top of everything else... I now have a wicked-cool, heavily guarded fort made of Lego.

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