Saturday 3 March 2007

Blast From The Past

Weirdest thing... strangest thing... most out-of-the-blue thing. I'm a proud member of Facebook, and about a week ago 4 people from my old school suddenly added me as friends. This doesn't sound like anything special, right? HOWEVER, I went to school in Vienna, Austria for 6 years. We left and moved to Australia over 10 years ago. Now does it seem more impressive?

Then, to finalize the feeling of surreality, they added me to a group called AIS Vienna Class '06. It's specially designed for members of our year level who would have graduated in 2006, but because they left the school early or moved overseas weren't able to graduate there. There are currently 89 members. Thats 89 people I grew up with, and I remember them all. We laughed, cried and played soccer in knee-high snow. I had my first kiss in that school, behind the shed next to the bus-park. I joined my first basketball and soccer team. Had my first snow fight. Ah the memories...

It's incredible that I'm reunited with these people. They helped create who I am today, they shaped my future. I loved every moment I spent with them, and it's mind-boggling that we have found each other again. I wish I could see them again...

1 comment:

saskia said...

nostalgia hitting you as well? :)

its hard to leave vienna behind - and its dangerous not to i think.
i've kept it and pimped it in my mind, and compared everything else to it. unfair really, because everything else lost right from the start.
what a waste of years that could have been special in their own right - and they were - but at the moment of happening, they aren't enjoyed as special, not as special as...
It's a waste of wonder, we should always appreciate what is special and good in now, and not in what used to be.

Sending you love brov, looking forward to our next dance :)
