Saturday 3 March 2007

Adorable Nutcase

In this strange, twisted world of ours exists an even more strange, twisted man by the name of Isaac. A personal trainer by profession and a psychopath that you want to hug and hang out with by nature. Women want to be with him, and men want to be with the women that want to be with him. Very few men actually WANT to be him.

But here is where it gets strange... if he is such a spastic around men, then what is he like around women? To borrow a poker term, I'd go "all-in" and bet my reputation (worth approximately $38.90) that he's not the same. I want to meet this alter-ego of his. That is the only way to describe it... a seperate, living, breathing being that only comes out at that cheeky glimpse of cleavage at a popular bar or nudist colony.

This man has been training me for over 2 years now. This man who created the sentence "You know what affecteded", "Better to be one-eyed than bung-eyed" and a dance move called "The Seizure" is without a doubt the coolest, friendliest, most psychotic person on the face of the worth. He is the adorable nutcase. We could use more of them in this world... no bullshit.

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